Incarceron by Catherine Fisher | Teen Ink

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

March 22, 2012
By Josh Lamkin BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Josh Lamkin BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Battles rage while life is peaceful. Storms destroy during a gentle spring breeze. Two completely different worlds on the same earth. They are both disaster waiting to happen, but one is disguised. This is an example of the immense intensity in the two worlds. All in all, the book Incarceron, by Catherine Fisher, is full of mystery, adventure, action, and denied hope all in one.

If I were to rate Incarceron, I would give it an eight out of ten. It was a good book, but it almost lost my interest a few times throughout the story. Even so, it was a fascinating read. Although, the plot was really hard to follow, which is why it lost my interest. The good thing though is that once you do figure out the plot you’re hooked in.

I enjoyed the writing style of Incarceron very much. Each character had its own unique voice and perspective. The perspectives were fantastic when you switched from one character to another. You could immediately tell which character it was from the way they talked and thought. The author used an easy to follow writing style that made you ask questions by adding a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter, dragging you in further. The best part was how the author used a fantastic way to build up each chapter into its cliffhanger… then changing perspectives.

The plot of Incarceron was really hard to understand at first because it is all over the place, literally. However, once you get moving along into it, the plot almost announces itself, as it becomes super clear. Incarceron is about how two people from completely different types of worlds can help each other escape their worlds. It gives a lesson about how working together can solve even the most difficult of problems. I also noticed the 2nd message stating that no matter what anybody does, no one can create a perfect world, no matter what they try.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants an intense ‘memory game’. This book throws characters left and right at you, and you MUST keep these characters in order to keep the book straight. You also need to memorize tiny details in the book because each miniscule fact in the book will lead into the fantastic conclusions at the end of the Incarceron. It’s a marvelous book and a fantastic read!

After all the intensity of the book, Catherine fisher does an A+ job by giving a calmer felling to the conclusion. This book will have you reading way past your bedtime from the highly dramatic changes in perspective, and the situations at hand. Will the rest of Incarcerons inhabitants escape its hell? Is finn really the lost prince? These are all questions unable to avoid. You will ask them no matter what, so what better way to find out other than reading Incarceron

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