Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan | Teen Ink

Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan

January 12, 2012
By Babiigirl235 BRONZE, Pennsboro, West Virginia
Babiigirl235 BRONZE, Pennsboro, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love me; Love me not..... I DONT CARE JUST DONT JUDGE WHO I AM AND WHAT I DO ~ ME <3

Cirque Du Freak is a twelve-book series by Darren Shan. Although it is not too widely known, those who have read it know that there is hardly any series that can compete with this one. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, then you might have spotted the compliment of J.K. Rowling on the cover of each of its book. The plot of Cirque Du Freak is so exciting and thrilling, that after every book, the reader is desperate to get their hands on the next one. The book is really addiction compared to other books I have read. I really liked this book because it’s an amazing and overwhelming book when you read it and you feel like your part of the story and want to keep reading. The book is about a middle school boy, Darren Shan, who gets tickets to see an outlawed freak show. Little does he know, the show they will change his life. Darren sees a vampire, a wolf man, and many more strange people. He stays afterward and Mr. Crepsley, someone from the freak show, convinces Darren to become a vampire. He becomes a vampire does and the book follows him through all the things they encounter and if you like the first book, there are eleven other books in the series and a movie is coming out next year. The book has a well worked-out plot full of intricacies and surprises. It is superbly written and economical with its use of language. It is an eerie and insidious story, whose secrets are slowly revealed along with some intriguing questions. Cirque Du Freak is a real page-turner, a novel that keeps the reader interested to the final unexpected twist. A thriller that keeps readers in a state of high tension from beginning to end. If Darren wants to save Steve, he has to give up his human life and join this mysterious creature. What will he do? Does he choose to save his life or Steve's life?

The author's comments:
My over veiw on Cirque du Freak is that it’s an amazing book. I would recommend this book to anyone who would want to read it after I recommend the book to.

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