Eragon by Christopher Paolini | Teen Ink

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

December 21, 2011
BobbyFlayCuttingUpThePeppers BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Favorite Quote:
Bobby Flay Cutting Up The Peppers

Paolini, Christopher. Eragon. New York: Random House Inc, 2003. 497 pages

Have you ever felt like your world will never change? Well you never know because in Christopher Poalini’s Eragon a young man named Eragon finds a dragon egg, that changes his whole world. Chris finds a way to make a book that always keeps me excited and wondering. It was one of my favorite books.

In this fiction book three of the character Eragon, his dragon Saphira, and his town story teller Brom go on an adventure to find the Varden, the only people who defy the Empire, after Eragon's resent hatred for the Empire after his uncle is murdered by two monsters under the Empire's power. On their adventure across Aglasia, the country of the world they live in, Brom reveals that he once was a dragon rider like Eragon is now, and become Eragon's teacher for being a dragon rider. Will Eragon make it to the Varden?

Chris found a way to make a fiction book with dragons actually good. He created a amazing world in your mind. You can picture anything in the book with out even trying because he puts so much detail.

With a third person omniciant narrator Chris creates characters that could be in your life. The use of that third person narrator also creates the world around the characters in your mind because his detail. For example, right in the begining of the book Eragon is hunting in his near by woods and Chris writes, "Eragon knelt in a bed of trampled reed grass and scanned the tracks with a practiced eye. The prints told him that the deer had been in the meadow only a half-hour before." (Paolini 6). His detail creates such a picture in your mind.

The thing why Chris Paolini characters are so real is because they aren't you average story characters. First of all, one of them is a dragon, that is detailed enough to make it seem as real as a dragon can be, like when the dragon first hatches he says, “The dragon was no longer than his forearm, yet it was dignified and noble. Its scales were deep sapphire blue,”. And then we get to Eragon who isn't your average hero. Eragon is actually a boy who has never stood out or been anything more than a farm boy. Eragon's personality is very un-hero like. When he first starts out as a rider he is pretty much the opposite of what you think of normal heros in books who who are normaly famous and rich, and Eragon is a farm boy and is very poor, for example when he is haggling with a trader and says, "That's a miser's bargain! It must be worth ten times that," (12). But don't get me wrong Eragon does have one characteristic that a hero has, which is courage. When he's haggling with a trader he'll yell at the trader and get him very angry, and even if the trader threatens Eragon saying, “Go before I make you!” (13) But Eragon doesn't budge until he gets it his way.

I recomend this book to anyone who enjoys exciting adventure books because i thought that it is the best book that I've ever read.

The author's comments:
It's not very good


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