Drums, Girls And Dangerous Pie. by Jordan Sonneblick. | Teen Ink

Drums, Girls And Dangerous Pie. by Jordan Sonneblick.

December 21, 2011
By 16_Tunechi BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
16_Tunechi BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“October 7th the moment I’ll never forgive myself for. When my mother began to tell me that my baby brother had leukemia, my first feeling was relief.”

This is probably the 4th or 5th book I’ve read about someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. It makes me wonder, when will there be a cure? In the book Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie By: Jordan Sonneblick. The main character Jeffery is diagnosed with leukemia. Who knew that falling off a stool and getting a bloody nose, then being rushed to the hospital would lead to the shocking news of leukemia. This was tragic, and life changing news for Jeffery and his older brother Steven. For a sad book. I was engaged in reading it, I couldn’t put the book down. I recommend this book to ages 12 and up. There is some brutal, content so discretion is advised. In this book, Steven the narrator of the story is rushed and taken out of school repeatedly. When emergency situations with Jeffery would happen like Jeffery has a temperature or Jeffery is throwing up. It Does not seem like a big deal, but for a cancer patient. It could be the last moment of life to live. It’s a 50/50 chance. This book also makes you wonder, and wonder if there is going to a miracle for Jeffery.

The author Jordan Sonneblick did well at writing his novel Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie. The reason he did well, is because I was engaged to the details he put into each one of his chapters. I just couldn’t put the book down. I also really like the authors creative style were what I would expect the story to end, isn’t how it ends. His style, is the unexpected and I like it!

The author's comments:
The ending of this story, inspired me.
To never give up hope .!


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