Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado | Teen Ink

Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado

November 8, 2011
By roxierosie BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
roxierosie BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado is a first-hand account of a devastating plane crash in the Andes and the survivors trek home. This true story was amazing, very well written, gripping, and it leaves you counting your blessings. I was hesitant to start this book because it was non-fiction but it turned out to be an intense read, starting with a plane crash, leading to the survivors eating their friends, then to their amazing hike out. Miracle in the Andes is truly a book that leaves you thinking about teamwork, love, and determination.

Nando slowly takes you through those terrifying mountains with each day and major event or loss. The setting starts with a team of Uruguayan rugby players flying on a plane towards Chile. But the flight is delayed because of bad weather. The story begins with the crash. This team of rugby players in their early 20’s have to survive, hanging onto the hope that people are coming. As the story progresses, the food rations begin to get low, and their only hope to survive is to eat the flesh of the dead. Nando makes you shudder and sends chills down your back. He puts you through this grisly account of what happened so vividly that you can’t help but feel like you’re there as well. One of the most devastating moments in the book is when they are listening to the radio and they hear that the rescue team has given up, thinking that all of the people on the plane must be dead. Left to die in the middle of one of the coldest peaks, on their own, knowing that no one is coming, they begin to plan their escep, sending two of the healthiest men down. After reading about this journey, I am still shocked that this team has lived to tell the tale. Nando Parrado is now 62 years old with two daughters and a wife, after a very adventerous life.
In conclusion, this book is amazing and should be read by all. If you are hesitant, try it out! Everyone who reads it will definitely have a different perspective on life after reading this captivating book.


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