Eyes by Judy Blume | Teen Ink

Eyes by Judy Blume

March 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever lost someone close? Have you ever seen someone die? Did you ever leave your home to get away from your problems? If you said yes to any of these questions then you may want to check out this book.

A 15-year-old girl named Davey lives in Atlantic City. She has to live with her aunt and uncle when her dad was shot during a robbery at his 7_11 store. While she is living in Los Alamos she learns how to cope with her dads death. She also finds out that some people are not that different.

I think that it was a great book. The book was very descriptive and was easy to understand. Judy Blume’s style is to be descriptive but she does not spend three pages on one thing. I learned that you can’t let things bring you down. I recommend this book to people who like dramatic books.

This book is very tense in some ways. It is a book that you can relate to if you have lost anyone close. This book brings out feelings inside that you might not know you even had.


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