What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell | Teen Ink

What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell

May 26, 2011
By tinabeana24 GOLD, Cambridge, Massachusetts
tinabeana24 GOLD, Cambridge, Massachusetts
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments

How far would you go to cover up for the ones you love? Would you lie even if it was for a good cause? In the book What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell fifteen year old Evie Spooner has to ask herself these questions. Evie Spooner is a sweet and innocent young girl-but all this changes when her father Joe Spooner comes home after World War II and decides to take her and her mother to a family vacation to Palm Beach, Florida. When they get to Florida, Evie meets Peter Coleridge-a dashing young ex GI who served in her father’s company in post war Austria. Soon Evie finds herself swooned by Peter and she also finds herself in a web of lies that takes her awhile to recognize. As Evie keeps falling for Peter and ends up falling in love with him she realizes that she is ignoring the secrets that surround him in till something tragic happens. Evie then notices that everything she thought was true was really one big fat lie. Evie then has to decide should she be loyal to her parents or to the man she loves. I guess Evie wasn’t as sweet and innocent as we all thought. Which side will she choose? Will she be loyal to her parents or to her one true love? You never know who will get betrayed.
I think that the book What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell is one of the best books I have read yet. It’s defiantly a page turner from the very first second you read the first sentence, to the very last sentence of the book. This book is a thrilling story about love, deception, and finding yourself. This is probably the author Judy Blundell’s best work yet. I highly recommend this book for teenage girls around the world who are of the age 14 and up. It’s a thrilling story that you can read over and over again and never get old of it. It’s defiantly a book you will never forget and would never want to put down.


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