Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff kinney | Teen Ink

Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff kinney

January 11, 2011
By Erick Leon BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Erick Leon BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid was all about this kid who had a difficult time in and out of school. Greg, the main character in the book, is best friends with another middle school kid named Rowley. Together, they have fun adventures in their backyards. They also face girls, bullies, teachers and their own families. He has a difficult struggle with making friends and getting decent looking girls to even look at him, but when they do, it’s because he did something stupid! The book mostly takes place at their houses or in a middle school and they always have problems no matter where they go. Greg and Rowley just want to survive middle school and life. They always try to be cool and end up failing and bringing their reputation even lower than before. Will they end up getting more friends? Will they get a girlfriend? You will have to read it and find out!

This book can make you laugh out loud with all its comedy and mischief. More people should start reading this book its a great mix of humor life story and personal experiences people also might of had. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an amazing book. The author, Jeff Kinney, is an awesome and inspirational writer for many generations to read. The book really shows how people actions really impact how people feel about them. This was a great kids book and i know a lot of people who have or are currently reading this book. Kinney’s writing style is more like a comic book kind of writing and that’s really cool. With the book’s never ending humor people won’t stop reading it until they finish it. This book can truly make you laugh and giggle because of its wicked humor!


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