The Fifth Diamond by Irene Weisberg Zisblatt and Gail Ann Webb | Teen Ink

The Fifth Diamond by Irene Weisberg Zisblatt and Gail Ann Webb

May 28, 2010
By softball13 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
softball13 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fifth Diamond

The Fifth Diamond is a story about one person’s survival of the Holocaust. Irene survived the holocaust and is still alive until this day. She wrote this exact book I am telling you about right now. Irene had to hold up bricks for a long while for her punishment. Irene tried so hard to get away, but she couldn’t. During the holocaust they treated people so bad. If you were in the holocaust they shot chemicals into your body by your fingernails or put chemicals in your eyes.

When Irene and Sabka found their way out they didn’t have much to eat. They found some potatoes to eat and to try and build up their strengths. But Sabka couldn’t hold up any longer. So they decided to stop and take a rest from their long journey. When they woke up there were American soldiers standing over them ready to pick them up and save them. After Irene got into the back of the van they came over to Sabka to get her up and she was dead. Irene was so sad that she had lost her best friend.

Life has been complicated for some more than others. Irene went through hard times. She watched kids being slung out of the bed of trucks and getting killed. Back then people were mean to the Jewish. Some people helped out younger kids get away from the holocaust if they could. Some were lucky to get away and not get caught. But if anyone got caught they would have been killed or put in punishment. Their punishments were harsh.

Back then everything was so much harder than it is now. Some people have survived hard times. And some have not. Most women and men have written books about their survivals in the wars or even in the holocaust. Lots have written stories about their loved ones who have died in wars and in the holocaust. Irene wrote about her family a little even thought the fifth diamond was mostly about her. But she still wanted to recognize her family for helping her through hard times. Maybe someday we will all recognize someone for helping us or surviving the war that some of our family members are in.

During the holocaust lots of people lost their loved ones. Just remember to never forget about any of those who died. Some were good and some were bad. But no one deserves to die. I would recommend this book to anyone I came across. I defentatly would read this book over again. It is a great book and it helps you build confidence in yourself. One thing I learned was to never let anyone take over you and always fight for what you love. I have defentatly built confidence in my heart and in my mind.

The author's comments:
It inspired me because it helped me build strength in my self and to believe in myself.its also helped me figure out that it was so much harder back then than it is now.


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