The Tommyknockers | Teen Ink

The Tommyknockers MAG

By Anonymous

   The Tommyknockers, written by horror-master Stephen King, is a riveting story of one town's encounter with aliens, called Tommyknockers, dead Tommyknockers, except somehow alive. From the day Bobbi Anderson stumbles over an object protruding from the dirt in her woods, the reader, as well as the whole town is locked in the curses coming from the buried spaceship. Anderson, drawn by some strange urge, begins to dig the object out.

As more and more of its surface is uncovered, the townspeople, including Bobbi, are affected strangely. First they all become sick, lose teeth and feel awful. As the horrible transformation from human to Tommyknocker progresses, the townspeople's minds form a net, making telepathy possible. Then Bobbi's drunken friend Gard shows up, and helps her dig out more of the monstrous flying saucer. He, although drunk, realizes that something must be done to stop the transformation. King masterfully keeps the reader in suspense, wondering whether Gard can foil the "plan" before being killed by the humans/Tommyknockers. I recommend this book to any King fan, or just anyone who wants a good read. n


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i love this !