Bringing Down the House by Ben Mezrich | Teen Ink

Bringing Down the House by Ben Mezrich MAG

By Anonymous

“Act casual, think casual, be casual. I tried not to think about the new BMW strapped to my back.”

Can this guy pull it off? Ben Mezrich will give you the answer and keep you on the edge of your seat in Bringing Down the House. This is the true story of six highly intelligent grad students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who take Vegas for millions after being recruited to live double lives as card counters.

Bringing Down the House is a window into the world of gambling. It will keep your mind racing on turbo. The challenges are tough to understand, like the math that is behind it all. The equations will leave you breathless. Mezrich crafts page-turning events that always lead to the group's daring deeds, trying to outsmart casinos at their own game.

These students are living the lives of millionaires. Some of them think of it as a hobby, but the addiction of gambling takes over the lives of others. Kevin, one of the students, thinks of it as a game, while to his teammate Fisher it is a way of life and a way to stay off the streets. As the book progresses, Kevin begins to see a different side of the team. He finds that they are money-hungry and they need to cut losses.

This thrilling book describes an unbelievable story. Even more amazing is that it is true! It is a behind-the-scenes of a card counter's life. This is a must-read for everyone.


This article has 2 comments.

sarapanda said...
on Dec. 22 2010 at 10:41 am
the movie version of this book is called 21

LizaBoo said...
on Jul. 10 2009 at 5:42 pm
I Gotta get this book. They have a movie with the same title, I wonder if it has anything to do with this book.....