Book Review: The Talisman | Teen Ink

Book Review: The Talisman

December 15, 2009
By dawgs_12 BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
dawgs_12 BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We cannot continue to wait for a sudden change or a new generation to change. We are the change that we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." (Barack Obama)

In the Talisman, a 12-year old boy named Jack Sawyer, takes on a special quest. During the story, he flips through two worlds. Our own, and another world called the Territories. He does this to find a talisman that will save his mother's life.
I think Stephen King wrote a great story that entertained me and kept me reading it. The Talisman is a book of loyalty, awakening, terror and mystery. I also loved Jack because of his great courage, knowing that he would have to get the talisman, or his mother would die. Not only would he loose his own mother, but his father is gone as well.


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