Summer Of Fear by Lois Duncan | Teen Ink

Summer Of Fear by Lois Duncan

October 15, 2009
By TwistedTaylorx BRONZE, Milo, Maine
TwistedTaylorx BRONZE, Milo, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

15 year old Rachel Bryant expects her summer to be like any other summer, until she finds out that her mother's only sister, her husband, and housekeeper die unexpectly in a car crash, that leaves her cousin homeless. Rachel's cousin, Julia comes to live with the Bryant family. Rachel grows really jealous of Julia, after she steal's her boyfriend and best friend.

Shorly after Julia arrives strange things start happening, like the family dog, Trickle, get's sick and dies, and the Professor down the street has a stroke. When Rachel tries to convince her family that Julia is a witch, they don't beileve her.

Later Rachel finds out that the real Julia, was the one that died in the car accident with her parents, not the housekeeper, and the girl pretending to be Julia is actually Sarah, the housekeeper. Sarah is none other than a young lady, who is into witchcraft, and Sarah has caused everything thats gone wrong in the neighboorhood. Sarah tells Rachel that she's in love with her father and has a plan to kill her mother on her way home from Santa Fe.

So will Rachel have time to stop Sarah? Or will Sarah cast a spell that will ruin the whole Bryant family?

The author's comments:
This was a book review for my Engligh class.


This article has 1 comment.

SHYTARIA said...
on Oct. 24 2016 at 7:02 pm
what are some items mentioned in the story???