The Choice of Maturity by Priscilla Cummings | Teen Ink

The Choice of Maturity by Priscilla Cummings

November 15, 2009
By oakshire24 GOLD, Greenwich, Connecticut
oakshire24 GOLD, Greenwich, Connecticut
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Choice of Maturity

In life one must learn to look past imitations of innocence and gaze into the deep dark bottom of the ocean. In Red Kayak, Brady, an average teenage boy, finds himself doing just this as he stares in anguish at the holes on the bottom of the red kayak and the evidence of the betrayal of his two best friends.

The cause of this event can be rooted many years back but for the purposes of a general audience, it starts when the DiAngelos buy Digger's grandfather's property. Brady understands that Digger, his best friend, resents the DiAngelo family, but not to the extent of Digger's feelings.
(Warning: Spoiler Paragraph Below)

Brady even had once naively suggested that they should put holes into the bottom of Mr. DiAngelo's red kayak to release Digger's frustration. Little did he know, years later, when Mr. DiAngelo's three-year-old son, Ben, dies on that same kayak, that his suggestion, much earlier in time, was the seed of Ben's murder. Now, Brady stands at a part in the road where he must decide between telling the police and uncovering the truth or proving his loyalty to his friends and playing his part in the secret. What would you do?

Lies, deceit, and betrayal occur in this overwhelmingly dramatic book. I could not stop reading until I read the book three times over. Red Kayak helped me fully understand the belief that doing the right thing is necessary for world success and the world will benefit if everyone does just as Brady did. I suggest this book for readers who like a strong emotional piece about a boy and the choice that matures him. This book is one of the best books I read last summer and I give it an eight out of ten stars.

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