Years Elude, Turn To Ashes—Reading 'The Story of Your Life' and Watching 'Arrival' | Teen Ink

Years Elude, Turn To Ashes—Reading 'The Story of Your Life' and Watching 'Arrival'

November 27, 2023
By HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
——Oscar Wilde

One noun: "Arrival." What does it truly signify?

Aliens or entirely new life forms?

No interstellar conflict, no time travel, no apocalyptic machinery.

Just witnessing its descend, her arrival; beholding its ascend, her departure.


When I first wandered into "Your Life's Story," ideas of time, purpose, language felt like distant stars in a cosmic play. I skimmed over linguistic and physics theories, closing with a calm mind. Yet, there was a lack of wonder, no deep reflection or introspective thunder.

Later, diving into the movie "Arrival," I explored new realms—philosophical, ethical, and humanistic shades woven into the fabric of science fiction. No grand visuals, no life-or-death strife, just a tale both natural and unexpectedly rife with thoughts that stirred contemplative life.

Grasping the future's foresight, "future" ceased being just a sight. It fractured into countless bits, scattered, not in sequence but in fits. These fragments stored in memory's kit, assembling slowly, bit by bit—a mosaic of what’s to come, made out of anticipated sum.

In this mental domain, past and future clashed, leaving consciousness as ash, time crumbled before its splash, turning into remnants in a flash.

Gradually, time dissolves, blurring future's lines, merging past and future into memory's confines. All that's left within our grasp, is the present’s fleeting clasp.


The book highlighted infancy, a time with no past or future, just glee. No memories when desires are not satisfied, no thoughts of what's ahead. During nourishment's spread, the world seemed perfect as it tread. Living solely in the present thread, detached from all else, it said.

Why is infancy claimed as the time supreme? Because it's free from past's extreme and future's uncertain dream. Instead, it revels in the immediate gleam of toys and meals, where emotions stream, immersed in the vibrant "now" theme.


Though not blessed with foresight's gleam, emulating the infant’s dream, focusing on the present's beam, shares a path with the book’s theme.

The protagonist sought to interpret the heptapods, sensing inevitability in life's odds. Despite knowing what's on the cards, she experienced love, parenthood, life’s shards—joy, sorrow, happiness, and the pains hard.


Given the knowledge of past adversities’ retread, would one choose to relive what was said?

“I have a superpower

I can meet everything in the future

I know you’re going to die soon

But I still choose to meet you”

In truth, most would tread on that line, past events, discomforts, thoughts that intertwine—essential parts of life's design, leading us to the present's sign.

Isn't this what the book intended to find? Our choices akin to the protagonist’s bind, led by purpose, embracing what’s defined. Each immersive experience, every emotion in the present moment, shapes experiences, forming your life's story—my life's story too.

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