A Good Girl's Guide to Murder | Teen Ink

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder MAG

November 21, 2023
By 5kaminski BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
5kaminski BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Murder investigation: not a typical school project. But that’s exactly what Pippa Fitze-Amoeba does in A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.

Five years ago, Andy Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal, who then died by suicide — or so everyone thinks. People in town believe this story, until Pip comes along. For years, Sal’s house was deemed the “murder house” where people would dare each other to run up and touch. But Pip is determined to figure out what really happened the night of the murder as she uncovers the town’s many secrets.

Pip’s character evolves greatly throughout this book. She starts as a shy junior in high school and ends up with more confidence than she know what to do with.

On her journey to discover what happened, Pip runs into bullies, drug dealers, and blackmailers. It’s these encounters that change her. “I don’t even know what’s right anymore. Everything is so muddled, I’m not sure I’m even the good girl I thought I was, I’ve lost her along the way,” she reflects.

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson includes exactly what you would expect: threatening notes,
chases through the woods, and ghost stories around a campfire. Plus, there’s a jaw-dropping plot twist at the end!

Jackson immerses the reader in Pip’s thought process by including logs, phone calls, and her long list of
suspects, creating an easy, fast read. Also, by including social media and standard teenage drama, this book is modern and relatable to teens today.

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is fast paced, intriguing, and never lost my attention. It’s exactly what teens are looking for in a good murder mystery book.

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