The Inheritance Games Book Review | Teen Ink

The Inheritance Games Book Review

May 5, 2023
By mms67 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
mms67 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I had first reached for The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, I hadn’t known what I was about to get myself into. But within the first couple pages, the book had already captured me in a hold that made me never want to put it down. 

Avery Grambs is a loveable and hilariously relatable 17 year old girl who suddenly finds her life flipped upside down when she goes from living in her car to inheriting billions overnight. The Catch? She must stay in the Hawthorn mansion where the billionaire’s daughters and grandsons all live, for a year, and they are not very happy about the fact that nearly the entire fortune got left to some girl who had never even known Tobias Hawthorn (the billionaire). 

This book has the perfect amount of mystery, drama, suspense, and just a touch of teen romance which makes it hard to put down. The overall mystery of the book is why Tobias Hawthorn left everything to Avery, a girl he never knew, but in order to find the answer to this, Avery and the boys have to work through a series of smaller mysteries that form pieces of a puzzle. There is a new twist at every corner making it increasingly more challenging to solve. The amount of suspense is perfect and it makes you want to keep reading to find out what happens next. 

Not only does the mystery get you hooked on this book, the drama between characters does too. Avery is in high school, so her feelings and interactions with other characters are very relatable. And, as you can imagine, living in a mansion with four other boys, two of them being close to Avery’s age, there is some drama there too. 

With Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ descriptive writing style, it feels like you are living Avery’s life and feeling everything that she is feeling. There are also conflicts with social media, the press, and friends that Avery faces, which are all very relatable topics for high school students. 

Next time you are looking for a book, reach for this one and I promise, you will not be bored! 

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