Raven's Gate | Teen Ink

Raven's Gate

May 28, 2009
By david blake BRONZE, Pine Grove, West Virginia
david blake BRONZE, Pine Grove, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book title and author: Raven’s Gate By: Anthony Horowitz
Title of review: Raven’s Gate
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

Matthew Freeman is 14 and an orphan. His parents were killed in a car crash when he was 8 years old and after that he went to live with his mother's half-sister and her partner. They only took him in for the sake of the money his parents had left him, which they then proceeded to spend like water, and once it was gone, they resented his presence.
Knowing about Matt's power, Mrs. Deverill is convinced that Matt is one of the Five - a group of four boys and one girl who possess great Power to fight and defeat the Old Ones who are attempting to return to the world from which they were banished by a trick several centuries ago. She intends that Matt will be the human sacrifice for Roodmas, when she and the other villagers of Lesser Malling will bring one of the Old Ones through the Raven's Gate, which used to be marked by a stone circle in the woods near Lesser Malling, but is now under the site of a prototype nuclear power station.
The main characters are Matthew Freeman, and Richard Cole. Some other characters are Mrs. Deverill, Sanjay Dravid, and The Nexus. It is a close comparison to Harry Potter.
Raven’s Gate is good lengthy book, and it is full of suspense. It will have you on the edge of your seat and ready for Evil Star: Book 2 of the Gate Keepers.
Raven’s Gate is a great book of the ages. I highly recommend it to ages 12+.

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