A Child Called | Teen Ink

A Child Called

May 21, 2009
By alexius brooke BRONZE, New Martinsville, West Virginia
alexius brooke BRONZE, New Martinsville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: A Child Called “It” Written by: Dave Pelzer
Title of review: A Heartbreaking Story
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5


A Child Called “It” is based on a true story. Unfortunately, the child is facing severe abuse. This book had me weeping every time I lifted it up. It will really have your heart attached to the little boy. A Child Called “It” is very inspiring.
Description and summary of main points

Dave Pelzer wrote this book brilliantly. He really put a lot of effort into it. To have a life like Pelzer, he is very strong to write about his past and post it to the public. The eight year old boy (Pelzer) is being badly abused by his mother. When he doesn’t finish his chores, his mother stabs him with a knife, and not even care about the wound. The boy struggles finding food. When he is very desperate for food (which is all the time), he eats poop from his brother’s diaper, or even food from the dog’s bowl. If he is lucky, he gets some crumbs from his baby brother’s plate. He needs to seek help.


His mom makes him vomit to see if he ate. Will he die of starvation?


If his mother saw that he ate, the boy faced severe consequences. The most dangerous thing you can do to a child is put them in a room full of cleaning supplies and leave them in there.

Your final review

Dave lives a very abusive life. I’m glad he shared his past with us. It really makes us realize how much we have, and to not cry if you don’t get dessert. What happens to the boy? Does he survive? Will he seek help?

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