Hello Mum by Bernadine Evaristo | Teen Ink

Hello Mum by Bernadine Evaristo

April 5, 2019
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hello Mum was by far one of the worst books I've read this year, but that could be due to everything from hatred for incorrect grammar and spelling, way too realistic plotlines and bad endings.


Hello Mum is a short story novel written by Bernardine Evaristo, following a teen in modern-day London, bored with the Summer heat and the innocence of childhood. Throughout the book the reader gets a better picture of the character; a black adolescent male, living in a London council flat with his single Mum, surrounded by possibly not the best of people. 


Towards the end of the story, the book gets faster and faster, until realisation clicks in that this is not just a book about knife crime in today's cities, but a tragic one. The more characters are introduced, the more violence and threat takes place.


I personally really disliked this book because I can't stand incorrect grammar or speech, even if it's for a specific persona; for example this book's 2000's 'cool' teen. As well as this personal opinion, I didn't really find the story riveting. Yes, knife crime, particularly amongst young people in large cities is a prominent subject due for discussion. But really not my cup of tea. 


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