Book review for “ DEEP BLUE “ | Teen Ink

Book review for “ DEEP BLUE “

January 29, 2019
By Anonymous

        This book is about the adventure of the principessa of Miromara, Serafina. She is a mermaid princess and the only child of the Miromara regina(I think regina mean queen or leader, not sure). She had long brown hair and dark green eyes.She was about to become the next regina of the Miromara, but something horrible happen and she have to flee from Miromara . The Miromara is density and is under control of the invaders

       Seratina and her best friend Neela swim away form Miromara, to go to Tsrno. Is the luck on their side or will they get captured by the invaders that density Miromara. Why do they want to kidnap them? What are they going to do with them? Or will they went to Tsrno safety?(probably not ) Find out yourself, because I haven’t even finish the book yet.

      It’s a very good book, I like it. If you are into mermaid and fantasy book. It might be the book to you. I love fantasy books! Just reading about what other people imagination have come up with is interesting. It shows you how far human mind can go. I like this book but there is some…...spelling mistake ? (Not so if it’s spell wrong) But it’s okay we all make mistakes and I’m horrible at spellings.

I will recommended this book to you if you want to try something fansity.(° w ^)~☆

The author's comments:

I don’t want to do this but I have to.(T^T)

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