Ralph Wilson Stadium | Teen Ink

Ralph Wilson Stadium

November 29, 2018
By 123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this article called “Ralph Wilson Stadium,” written by Daisy Townsend, talks about the rough stadium conditions at Ralph Wilson Stadium. This article left me feeling understanding of the topic.

I think that the article is very good because it’s the truth about attending cold games. I can relate to it because I went to the Michigan-Indiana football game two Saturdays ago, and it was freezing cold. Even with 107,000 plus people there, the stadium felt kind of empty. I had multiple layers of clothing on, and I was cold by the time we even got to the stadium. We tried to walk around at halftime to warm up, but it was no use. Like she said, “The not-so-dedicated take refuge in the bathrooms, hoping the hand dryers will provide some much needed relief.” I think that is very accurate because people were doing the same thing at Michigan. Also, after our varsity football games late in the season, players and fans said they were cold, obviously. It didn’t help that we  weren’t good, and hardly anybody came out to watch us play. Who would want to watch a bad team get beat in the freezing cold weather? According to the author, “Although fans pay obscene amounts of money for their seats, many go unused by those who decide not to battle the cold.” This is all too familiar. With all of that being said, I have to agree with the article.

The author's comments:

It was a lot like my home football team.


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