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By Lonesoldier GOLD
Winona Lake, Indiana

OMG!!!! The movie avatar is like amazing. Who ever hasn't seen avatar has to go and see it. It will blow ur mind. There is so much action in it and you'll want to defiant...
Lonesoldier GOLD, Winona Lake, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tough girls come from NY. Sweet girls come from Louisiana. Prissy girls come from California. BUT INDIANA GIRLS have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride dirt bikes, be a princess, throw left hooks, pack heat, bake a cake, change a flat, hang a light and if we have an opinon, you're......going to hear it!!"

earthy_kat GOLD, Sebree, Kentucky
17 articles 1 photo 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Hazel from the book Watership Down (by Richard Adams).

ThermadorianGrey SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive

grasslova GOLD, Highland, Utah
19 articles 43 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you learn to die, you learn to live - Morrie

By grasslova GOLD
Highland, Utah
grasslova GOLD, Highland, Utah
19 articles 43 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you learn to die, you learn to live - Morrie

By Anonymous
lilmissravenclaw SILVER, Warrenton, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. -Marie Curie

BroadwayJukebox BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let sooner than you think become later than you hoped."

Amelia Sadler BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments