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By LittleMissStrange SILVER
Reno, Nevada

Going Bovine breaks the barrier of typical teen books. If you've read Libba Bray's other series A Great And Terrible Beauty, don't be alarmed to find out that this b...
LittleMissStrange SILVER, Reno, Nevada
5 articles 2 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Oh, I have a heart to be shot or stabbed in, no doubt, and if it cease to beat I should cease to be, but you know what I mean. I have no softness there, no sympathy, sentiment." -Great Expectations

By -alice- PLATINUM
Colorado Springs, Colorado
-alice- PLATINUM, Colorado Springs, Colorado
21 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
I care very little if I am judged by you or any other human court; indeed I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. -1 Corinthians 4:3-4

Bloomington, Indiana
MayDay SILVER, Bloomington, Indiana
6 articles 14 photos 88 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't jugde if you don't jugde.

Brynn BRONZE, Aubrey, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~Bilbo Baggins

Knux_the_PcGamer BRONZE, Richmond, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
By Arin Segal BRONZE
Scottsdale, Arizona
Arin Segal BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
Ashleigh909 GOLD, Buford, Georgia
14 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The night is the darkest just before the dawn."

By Anonymous
By DiamondsIntheGrass GOLD
Martinsville, New Jersey
DiamondsIntheGrass GOLD, Martinsville, New Jersey
14 articles 1 photo 278 comments

Favorite Quote:
Worry is simply a misuse of the imagination.

blu_jay96 BRONZE, Spring Hil, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Thug Life"