Review of Quite is Okay | Teen Ink

Review of Quite is Okay

September 15, 2015
By Jmorin BRONZE, Defiance`, Ohio
Jmorin BRONZE, Defiance`, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “Quite is Okay”, written by Grace Beatty, I felt her writing about introverts and extroverts had me feeling interested in learning more about the topic. 
I can relate to this writing because I am an introvert.  I found this out when I read the line stating what an introvert actually was.  Because personally myself I’m not afraid at all of actually interacting with people I just prefer to be alone.  In the next couple of lines it says “What defines introverts is the way they obtain and expend energy.”  This part it actually states what an introvert is and what an extrovert is which are to different type of people.  An introvert gains his/her energy by being alone and not socializing while it’s the opposite for an extrovert.  They gain their energy by socializing with people.  While the introvert loses energy by talking the extrovert loses his/her energy by just being alone for a prolonged amount of time.  My final feelings on this article are that this is an amazing informal writing that shows people aren’t just anti social but they need that time of being alone to just actually regain their energy to speak in a group again.

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