Sur Restaurant | Teen Ink

Sur Restaurant

May 7, 2014
By Megan Shiffra BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Megan Shiffra BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sur Restaurant Review

Sur is a restaurant located in the lively city Los Angeles. Sur is featured on a reality show called Vanderpump Rules on Bravo TV. My mom and I were extremely excited to eat in the restaurant that was featured on one of our shows and meet the celebrities(waiters) we had grown to know and love from watching them on screen. The staff was extremely nice to my family and stopped what they were doing to take pictures with us.

As a future interior designer I always appreciate my surroundings and have my eye out for well put together rooms, and Sur was not lacking. Sur was a very elegant and modern restaurant filled with flowers and beautiful chandeliers. Each table had chairs and a booth accompanied with multiple pillows in different colors. Not only were the chairs and booths appealing to the eye, but they were also very comfortable to sit in which was good since we were there for two hours. The tables added a little extra touch with the candles and rose petals lining the surface. The restaurant also offered other seating arrangements such as the bar, an outdoor patio, and multiple lounges. All of the other articles of furniture brought a chic and vintage feel to the restaurant. I would give two thumbs on the atmosphere. It was a romantic setting so I definitely recommend it to couples.

The restaurant was open and spacious which I really enjoyed. No one likes to feel cramped and confined while they are trying to enjoy their meal and company. It was a large restaurant that could easily be filled with a couple hundred people, yet there was only a one stall bathroom for each gender. The bathroom that was provided looked like it had not been cleaned for a while and had toilet paper all over the floor. I expected to be provided with a nice bathroom when I’m spending a lot of money on the food. I also expected the bathroom to be just as nice and meet the standard the rest of the restaurant set, which it did not.

The food was great, but took a very long time to come out. It took a great amount of time to even order the first course. It was a four course meal and was dragged out to an extended two hour dinner, because of the lack of service. At most restaurants you get at least a drink of water once you walk in, but the first glass wasn’t poured for over half an hour. The menu had a variety of food. It catered to vegetarians and meat eaters, but there was nothing on the menu that was gluten free. The first thing we ordered was the soup of our choice, I am not normally a soup person so I was surprised that I enjoyed it. The next thing we ordered was an appetizer. The appetizers ranged from salads to sea food to bruschetta. The third course was the main entry and by far my favorite course. The menu offered way too many choices which made it difficult to decide what I wanted to order. I ended up ordering fettucini alfredo with shrimp and I was happy with my choice. Last, but not least, was dessert. I was pretty full so I decided to go with something light and simple so I ordered mango sorbet. The rest of my family ordered chocolate cake which also looked extremely tempting and appetizing. It is safe to say that you will not leave Sur on an empty stomach or even slightly hungry. As annoying as it was to wait for a very long time for our food to be served, it was worth the wait.

The food and atmosphere were definitely the best aspects of the restaurant, the service and bathrooms were lacking. I felt as if my table had been forgotten about the entire night even though we were right in the middle of the restaurant. I had high expectations of the restaurant, but they were definitely let down and I left feeling very disappointed. I was also annoyed that the restaurant automatically inserted a hundred dollar tip to the waitress. The waitress did nothing the entire night yet she earned a great tip. The waitress came to our table maybe twice, but it was the manager of the restaurant who did most of the work for our table the entire night. I think if it is a high ranked restaurant, all aspects of the restaurant should be at the same level, including the staff.

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