Problems with Justin Bieber | Teen Ink

Problems with Justin Bieber

February 4, 2014
By Jack_Bauer SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Jack_Bauer SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"We do not have to be afraid of the dark they live in." -Burnie Burns

Aliza12 made a post about why Justin Bieber should be forgiven for the mistakes he made. She also argues his music is a bright spot in her life, and that is good. Everyone needs something to drive him or her through life, especially to keep out of trouble. I have no problem with people enjoying the music Bieber produces, but Justin Bieber is not a good role model to base a life on.

Specifically with the most recent problem, which is Bieber being arrested for drunk driving. This is really a major problem. I understand that everyone deserves a second chance, but if anyone else was arrested for drunk driving, they would not get as much sympathy. Bieber could have killed someone because of his reckless decision. This really does deserve a discussion for his deportation, whether you are a “Belieber” or not.

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