Urban Air Experience | Teen Ink

Urban Air Experience

April 29, 2024
By 5hall BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5hall BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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My friends and I went to Urban Air in Milwaukee for a birthday party, and I was just expecting trampolines. But I soon found out they had far more to offer. 

To start off, the trampolines were definitely enjoyable. The wait time for the trampolines was short, maybe 30 seconds to a minute, so it wasn’t a problem. The whole area of trampolines had their own respective tasks, but separate from the other activities. The trampoline dodgeball area was fun at first, but quickly the ball was nowhere to be found and was not replaced for the rest of the day. That activity just turned into another location for more casual trampolines. Other activities there, like tumbling, were nice but short lived, as they wouldn’t keep me busy for long. The other activity located by the trampolines, wipeout, was not in operation when I went. A little bit of a disappointment, but also there were plenty of other activities to make up time with. 

Another main activity was Go-Karts, which was more of a mediocre experience. While it wasn’t boring, the wait time was considerably longer than anything else there. We had to wait for about 30 minutes, maybe longer, in a line before sitting and waiting another 5 minutes in the karts. The actual driving was nice, but there wasn’t much opportunity to go faster. There were good safety practices, as all drivers were checked for seatbelts and karts were immediately undrivable if a hazard occurred. The wheels unfortunately shed little rubber pieces, which could fly up, and the last place drivers were jipped of their final lap when I was there. Some kids also had poor attitudes during Go-Karts, so for me this activity had the least enjoyment. 

Moving onto the Warrior Course, this definitely would have been more fun if it was regulated a little more, but that didn't bother me much. This activity wasn’t really used as a warrior course, but more as a glorified ball pit. Many people and kids camped out on the course, so it wasn’t very completable, but either way so many kids hung out in the ball pit underneath that falling would put the completer and the person under you in danger. This area was very well made, but not used for its main purpose. Using this area as just a ball pit was fun though, and it included the height limit of the pit so young kids could avoid sinking.

The Sky Rider was nice once you got the hang of it, but it wasn’t very clear on how to “take off.” The best way was probably a gentle walk-off of the ledge, as I had a friend who did a small leap who ended up with minimal rope-injury. If you swung too much, you risked bumping the walls, but that didn’t truly hurt. 

Along similar lines to the Sky Rider was the ropes course. The ropes course felt very secure, as they had an employee ensuring your vest was on right and another to make sure you were connected to the course properly. It was definitely nerve-wracking to be above all of the people, and it wasn’t completely clear on what to do if you fell while attached, so I didn’t stay on this course for long.

Rock climbing was one activity that kept two of my friends busy for about an hour. I didn’t personally rock climb, but my two friends that did greatly enjoyed it and climbed for so long their arms were sore afterwards. They also had vests on for security, so there was minimal chance for injuries. 

The other activity they did that I did not was the flip and spin zones. These were similar to bumper cars but slower. They also had sufficient seatbelts and over-the-shoulder security so you couldn’t fall out. The employee watching was also careful and attentive, so that made everything feel safer.

Finally, the most mediocre thing at Urban Air was truly the food. It wasn’t good, and it wasn’t bad—but just okay. Due to this not being the main point of the attraction, I didn’t pay it much mind. They had snack-foods, such as chips and soda, but also water and pizza and a few other items. It was nothing glamorous, but definitely enough to tide a hungry child over for a day. They also had vending machines with drinks around, just in case, which was helpful. The food area was the only location I noticed wasn’t very clean, with stickiness from sodas, but that comes with the area.

In total, I appreciated Urban Air. There were plenty of ups and downs, and some activities were considerably better than others, but my friends and I completely enjoyed our experience and would recommend it as a place for parties and fun for most ages. The place was generally clean, and especially for children, this is a great place to take friends if you want a nice trampoline experience with plenty of extra to do as well.

The author's comments:

I went to Urban Air with 5 friends for a Birthday Party, and this is my review of it!

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