Burger Review | Teen Ink

Burger Review

April 29, 2024
By 5kastner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5kastner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Upon arriving at Point Slope Pub, my initial reaction was that this place couldn’t hold many people. However, when I entered the pub, I was pleasantly surprised to find a bustling bar.

The music was not too loud and not too quiet. Even though it was not live, the speakers made it seem as if it was.  Intrigued by my friends' suggestion, “order a burger!”I promptly approached the bartender and requested a medium rare burger.  The burger took a while to prepare, but I soon discovered that the establishment was managed by just two individuals—a husband and wife team. 

Despite the wait(about 30 mins), the burger proved to be truly exceptional. With the first bite, my mouth was punched with powerful flavors. At its core lies a perfectly seasoned and tender patty, with Crisp lettuce and juicy tomato slices providing freshness, while thinly sliced onions add a small zip with a slice of melted cheese.  

As I continued to savor each bite, the taste only intensified. The patty was seasoned to perfection, accented by the perfect amount of salt and pepper. Each bite had a burst of juiciness, furthering the meatiness that lingered on the palate. Also the bun, the hero of the burger, held everything together. Soft but also sturdy. It had a hint of a buttery sweetness, and brought the burger together. 

In a world where things are becoming expensive for low quality, this burger exceeded expectations greatly. At just $12.50, it offered a gourmet burger and adventure for a very affordable price.  For the price of the burger I had indulged in a masterpiece that is unrivaled. When you compare this burger with others, it is obvious that this is much better. The quality surpasses all others. 

The author's comments:

This is about a burger I tried at a pub with my friend and his parents. 

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