A Special Bus | Teen Ink

A Special Bus

December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

When I first walked onto the Badger Bus Lynn drove I didn’t know what to expect. The typical bus stereotype is always what people think about those drivers. Well, she disapproved of the whole stereotype itself. Lynn is someone who is able to make you safe, comfortable, and just have a good time. Not in the smallest bit is she mean, of course, she would like some respect but wouldn’t we all? For parents sending their children on these buses, as I can’t speak for every single bus; the badger bus has never once disappointed. They make you feel safe and special, which is everything that I would hope for when I walk onto a bus that I’m going to be on for a long period of time.

When asking my teammates what they thought of the company and of the driver Lynn it was nothing but pure positivity. If someone else besides my teammates or myself were to ride a Badger Bus they should have high expectations. The bus is always sanitary, clean, and safe: everything that I would like to have when traveling. One thing that I have seen over my years of using the company is the buses are usually never the same. As they may have the same Badger Bus decals and red paint, the insides usually are different. On the long bus rides, the wifi never seems to work, also the outlets are pretty cruddy. The outlets manage to do the opposite of retaining the charger to them. The chargers usually have a hard time staying in the outlets which are fine but not really convenient. Also, not sure if the drivers sometimes forget to turn on the outlets but some of them don’t even work most of the time. Also if you want to critique the placement of it, I don’t like that they are overhead in the aisle, at least on the double-decker buses. When riding a double-decker bus, as hockey players, we have to share it with two teams. Coaches downstairs, players upstairs. The bags go under but then where does that leave our carry-ons? There really isn’t a place for them. I wish that the Badger Bus had overhead space for their double-deckers because then we wouldn’t be so uncomfortable due to our own bags. Now don’t get confused, this is not a negative review. I can sit here all day and nitpick but that isn’t necessary.

 I have been very pleased with this company and hope everyone gets to experience the Badger Bus in the future!

The author's comments:

I am a 16 year old student that attends arrowhead high school.

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