Evan's Every Day | Teen Ink

Evan's Every Day

October 24, 2019
By nsheets2023 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
nsheets2023 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Evan’s Every Day, written by Colin Sweeney, talks about what Evan does in his everyday life. His writing left me feeling like every kid has something in common. This story reminds me of the people in my school. It is the everyday life of what a kid would do at school and it relates to me in many different ways. In the article when it said “... Evan begs fellow eighth graders... for any scraps of food. When a kid says. “No,” Evan shrugs and moves on to the next target.” When I read that line I immediately thought of everyone at lunch that always begs for food. In eighth grade kids would go from table to table until they would get food. Another line in the article that relates to me is “Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys. What Happened? He’ll most often hear “Go away Evan, this has nothing to do with you.” But he persists. C’mon guys… you always do this. You keep excluding me. Can you just tell me this once?” Everyday in school everyone is telling secrets. If one person doesn’t get to hear the secret they get mad and keep asking and asking. This article reminds me about school, it is also like a kids everyday life.

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