Review | Teen Ink


September 18, 2019
By jbrown2023 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
jbrown2023 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled, “From Nobody to Somebody,” written by Noah Fisher, talks about his journey to the state cross country meet and his experience while at the meet. His writing left me feeling motivated. I can relate to the author when he states, “...a state title on the line…” I can relate to this because over the summer, I was in a similar situation. My cheerleading squad and I were in Columbus preparing for the Ohio State Fair Cheerleading Competition. The team has received four Grand Champion titles, and we were working towards a fifth title. This article is written very well. I enjoyed the first sentence of the last paragraph, which says, “Like Arthur Lydiard once said, ‘In every little village in the world, there are great potential champions who only need motivation.’” I liked this because I think tying a quote into someone’s life is interesting.

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