Burgers and Ink | Teen Ink

Burgers and Ink

September 10, 2019
By CalebR. SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
CalebR. SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Burgers and Ink,” written by Sam Simpson, talks about a childhood cherished memory. The story is written over all well along with strong detail. “As usual, I made sure to step on the white tiles only,” brought joy in my knowing I was not the only kid who did this. Going up to the “beast of a man” and exclaiming, “You should never write on your arms!” reminded me of my mother constantly drilling this into my head. Sam’s writing was a colorful expression of childhood memories that had a bold effect of me feeling cheerful and shocked due to wiping the man’s arm with a napkin.

The author's comments:

I enjoyed how much this story had to show through such a short amount of words. This reminded me of when I was a child and would perform similar actions such as Sam did.

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