Our Planet | Teen Ink

Our Planet

June 10, 2019
By Janeth916 SILVER, Sacramento, California
Janeth916 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

David Attenborough released a film called Our Planet on April 5, 2019. This documentary talks, explains, and shows us what is happening to animals environment because of climate change. It explains to us how these changes could affect human life and what could possibly happen if we don’t have the animals we have today. This goes really into depth of wildlife and what these animals have to do to survive these changes.

600 people went to 50 different countries and took 4 years to put this masterpiece together. They did recordings on how the animals hunt and the problems they have on hunting, habitat destruction, and even overexploitation. Some of the people had to stay in little tight sheds so they could be able to catch footage of the animals but it wasn’t easy because couple of days would pass and the animals they were hoping to find would not pass by the sheds they were in. Others would be outside but sometimes the same situation would happen. It mostly depended on weather the animals were going to show up or if it would take some time or even some days.

Humans are able to help and stop the greenhouse effect that is only making the planet warmer which is one of the main reasons why these animals are losing their environment. Sea-ice animals are one of the biggest animals that are being affected by this. The ice in the Arctic is being melted faster than it is being constructed. Without there being ice, animals like polar bears, aren’t able to hunt as well anymore because they are more exposed to other creatures. They talk and show different types of environments like jungles, frozen worlds, forest, grassland, fresh water, coastal seas, and the high seas which are all very interesting to learn about.

This film proves a point on how we have to make our earth a better place, and urgently, or it could turn into something really bad if we don’t do nothing for it. We are losing nature at a fast rate and this should not be happening because it plays a big part in human life. Many vertebrate animals are not around anymore and it is only continuing. The choices human beings chose to make are finally letting us all see what is happening all around the world and making us realize that we are making wrong moves. Back in the day, humans were the ones depending on nature and now we have to pay back. We are the ones determining the future for us. The population of animals has reduced 60% and we can’t let this keep happening.

Even starting with this documentary, that shows us how animals life’s have been changing for the past 4 years, we can make a change, not only for the animals but for us as well because we share this beautiful planet with those beautiful creatures. We are one.

The author's comments:

I decided to write about this specific documentary because animals are something I would love to work with in the future. Its in me to go out in the wild and help or study every animal there is. 

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