Grandma Rose | Teen Ink

Grandma Rose

December 10, 2018
By 19_lee_marvin BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
19_lee_marvin BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Grandma Rose” by Kalie Scirpo is an affectionate piece. Kalie speaks to the reader about her experiences every weekend, at her grandmother’s house, having dinner and talking about their day. For instance, Grandma Rose recalls going to the farmer’s market and then going to a salon with her friend Kan. The story revelates around a young teen loving her grandmother, knowing that she will not be with her forever. Kalie’s grandma shows affection, kindness, and caring - all traits of a loving grandmother. It is a beautiful piece moralized around family and love, showing what a true unbreakable bond looks like.

I can relate to this in many ways. My grandma is about 85, almost 90. She has a failing kidney and has to go to dialysis three times a week. Whenever I go to her house, it smells like Vietnamese food and some kind of pine perfume. I really liked the quote from “Grandma Rose“, “I’ll see her again next weekend for dinner.” This is relatable to me because that’s what I hope every time I leave her house. This story is touching, heartwarming, and definitely relatable to most teens.

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