Then Came The Fire | Teen Ink

Then Came The Fire

September 26, 2018
By Jromes2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Jromes2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article “Then Came the Fire,” written by Tomer Witelson, was an intriguing comparison between fire and anxiety. In the article, the main character, Tomer Witelson, runs for class president, but was engulfed by self-doubt and disappointment. In the article, Tomer said, “I can still feel the burning disappointment.”, and, “Self-doubt that I had suppressed awoke and joined the flames that engulfed me.” I can relate to Tomer, since I, too, lack much confidence. Also, I, probably, would’ve felt the same negative emotions if I was put in that situation. By the end of the article, Tomer had a moment of clearance, and realized the truth that extinguished the flames burning inside. This story was full of emotions, and was just captivating to read.

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