Sonnet | Teen Ink


May 13, 2018
By ehaze3 BRONZE, North Sioux City, South Dakota
ehaze3 BRONZE, North Sioux City, South Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kindness! What a great gift one can possess
Only a few know how to show it out
When it is presented to you, say yes
Most people do not know what it’s all about
It is shown in many different ways
Such as a present or act of sharing
But don’t do it just once, but all the days
It is also shown by being caring
Nobody enjoys a big ole mean jerk
But everyone enjoys a nice, kind man
Seeing a mean person drives me berserk
When I see kindness, I’m forever a fan
So be kind, it’s simple and always free
It can change the world, so come and join me!

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