Weapon of Mass Distraction | Teen Ink

Weapon of Mass Distraction

May 10, 2017
By RadMad BRONZE, Thorp, Wisconsin
RadMad BRONZE, Thorp, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you feel lost do the one thing that makes you feel found.

Majority of the world uses me,

It's sad how people need me to function.

I blind people from the reality,

I actually cause great destruction.

Some people use me to harass others,

Then they blame me for the cause of great pain.

But they don't really care who it bothers,

Now I have evil written on my name.

Yes I can very well be used for great things,

Keeping in touch or seeing the new trend.

But people use me to say words that sting,

I'm your worst enemy and your best friend.

I am used for social interaction,

But I'm a weapon of mass distraction.

The author's comments:

I had to write this for my english class and my teacher and evryone loved it so much that my teacher personally came up to me and told me she admired it and she wanted my work published. So, she told me about this website. "You have a gift and a voice that needs to be heard." my friend said to me. Thank you Mrs. C and the rest of the people who encouraged me.

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