Beached Boy | Teen Ink

Beached Boy

December 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Relaxing at my lakehouse on the beach
The soft waves crashing on the rocky shore
My mom bites into a round, juicy peach
I fall into a light sleep as I snore
I open my eyes and spot a young man
My mom sends me a wink to go say “hi”
He glows in the sun with a summer tan
I shrink back down because I am too shy
The sun goes under and the sky gets dark
We start to gather up all of our gear
The lightning shines and leaves behind a spark
We jump into the car and home we steer.
the rain falls as I let out a soft sigh
I wonder why I wouldn’t just say “hi”

The author's comments:

This is a fiction story. It just kind of came to me during class while writing in our jornals

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