The Theory of Procrastination | Teen Ink

The Theory of Procrastination

April 7, 2016
By BaySumm3 BRONZE, Cornwall, New York
BaySumm3 BRONZE, Cornwall, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It seems like time has escaped my fingers
Trying to catch seconds as they tick by
My legs are caged by my mind that lingers
Wanting to move but unwilling to try

Turning seconds to minutes to hours
I have tasks waiting to be completed
But doesn't seem to be in my powers
And in the end I always feel cheated

And with seconds left, my legs will unfreeze
Finally able to complete my task
It's only after that I feel at ease
Why do I do this to myself, I ask

You've let your free time dwindle to nothing
But you get it done, at least that's something

The author's comments:

I actually wrote this as a school piece the period before it was due. Ironically, I got a perfect score on it, even after I told the teacher the reasoning behind writing this piece.

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