Time Is Precious | Teen Ink

Time Is Precious

January 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Many people these dost wonder and say when will mine life come to an end? Although thither art others saying don't wonder about the end but the anon. The time thou can spend with thy family and cater-cousins. If thou don't hast any of those than wherefore not doth something stupid to make thy life exhilerating. Don't worry about the future but the anon. Take the time in life to help and support people 'r take the time in life to get the big picture of it. And to see that big picture thou musn't worry so much and relax. Many people on this planet want to leave because of tragedy and think thither is nay way to solve this but I wot thither is always a answer and a way to solve that problem. Find someone close 'r lov'd one and hast them help thou. Thou wilt let people in, in order to get better and don't say thou don't because thou doth.

The author's comments:

This inspired me to write this because I had to go through tough times as well and it was hard but I was able to get through it with my family and friends. 


P.S. I also wrote this because of a project :) Oh! and this is in a shakespearan "language". 

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