Today, I Wake | Teen Ink

Today, I Wake

May 10, 2015
By oliviagoodmon1218 BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
oliviagoodmon1218 BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The King is enthralled with your beauty; honor Him for He is your Lord." - Psalm 45:11

Today I wake to sounds of spitting rain
The welcome rays of sun are missed by all
Dark clouds above show me the sky’s in pain
I miss the streaks of light across my wall

A pear tree buds beneath a sky of gray
It’s bold, white blossoms reach out to the bees
Some bright pink phlox creep out to greet the day
Young birds sing out while nestled in the trees

The rain can’t stop the world from waking up
The rain can’t stop the day from beginning
Animals get ready for their closeup
Plants prepare for the long, rough day ahead

Without the sun, the world seems less aware.
Without the sun, the world seems not to care.

The author's comments:

I wrote this sonnet inspired by some of my nature photography I took of the pink phlox that grows outside of my house. I just love nature and I thought hey, what's a better way to show my love for nature than to use another gift and write a poem about it?! So I did! I hope this poem just brightens people's days and gives them inspiration. You don't have to have some amazing, scary, traumatizing experience to write a poem. If you're stumped or have writer's block, just take a picture of what's around you. Take a step back and think about the things you do every day. There's always something worth writing about.

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