Sunscreen and Love | Teen Ink

Sunscreen and Love

March 10, 2015
By emmawithrow57 BRONZE, Modesto, California
emmawithrow57 BRONZE, Modesto, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The smell, the feel, is so significant.

You can't help but feel so magnificent .

The sound of waves crashing into the ground,

reminds you of the silence that used to be the loudest sound.

It protects you from hurting for a little while,

but once it fades away so does your smile.

So bask in the sun while it's still on your skin,

the chances are slim but you might just win...

The author's comments:

This piece highlights the resembelence of sunscreen and love. They both work as a shield from hurt and pain. I was inspired to write this piece after going to the beach and thinking about the meaning of love. 

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