Lovly | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By Anonymous

You are the grin on my rose red-lips, never a frown.
You are the yellow sun to my happiness
You pick me up when I am feeling down.

Nothing is dark when you are around.
Those dimples make me feel helpless..
You are the grin on my rose-red lips. Never a frown

disturbs this love, so strong and bound
that tears of joy brighten every darkness.
You pick me up when I am feeling down

with caring and thoughtful arms around
   my heart. In each glance I lose all distress.
You are the grin on my rose red lips, never a frown.

You are here in my heart forever.  I have found
you’re the only one I love. With thoughtfulness
you pick me up when I am feeling down.

I know your voice; with every sound
I feel a sweet caress.
You are the grin on my rose red lips, never a frown.
You pick me up when I am feeling down.

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