She Overcame | Teen Ink

She Overcame

December 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Her wounded heart is bleeding from the pain 
Her eyes have been burning from all the tears
Her mascara stains her face once again 
She's having a hard time facing her fears

She screams silently as she gets a knife
She can't make herself look in the mirror
She whispers "just one more cut will suffice"
She pierces her wrist, the cut gets bigger

It hurts more than the last time she did it
But she refuses to accept her faults
She really does not want to quit but -
Suddenly she brings herself to a halt

There's more to her than a glum kid she hid
She's been "clean" for months, and she's glad she is.

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I found out my best friend was cutting. Thankfully, I was able to help her see that she shouldn't be harming herself. I'm posting this in hopes that it will inspire someone to realize self-harm is not the way. Whatever is going on, you can overcome. 

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