Golden Hope | Teen Ink

Golden Hope

November 25, 2014
By SquishyFluff GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
SquishyFluff GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
To be or not to be? That is the question.

Burning bright, like a shooting star streaking across the sky

Tirelessly moving, managing to pierce through empty space

Resilient, flaming arms crafting the sun, she is the light. Hope.

Burning bright, like a shooting star streaking across the sky

Deep down in the cosmos, the heart of it all, galaxies mix together like emotions in a universal mind full of molten stars

Shimmering, getting more brilliant morphing into a glistening masterpiece blinding all who try to oppose

Burning bright, like a shooting star streaking across the sky

Tirelessly moving, managing to pierce through empty space

The author's comments:

This is my first triolet.

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