Obscure Love | Teen Ink

Obscure Love

November 5, 2014
Shruthi Radhakrishnan BRONZE, Princeton,
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thou art gloomy clouds with little caress? 
Thine wood emotions blaze around as fire
‘T spreads, and burns the beauty thou possessest.
Love deserves more, and shall be as‘t desire.
Love is an ocean with unpleasant tides
Its hatred sweeps our fain memories away.
Erewhile our fondness shall not fade or hide
And, ‘t must enhance without thy dismay.  
Affection has nary limit,‘t runs on fore’er
Leaving tracks on our lives, as we remember. 
But love is not dark; gleams as we endeavor
Thou shalt glow as a small piece of ember.
Like obscurity, love fadeth without thy light
But you shall stay with me without any plight.

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