"Let Us Live" | Teen Ink

"Let Us Live"

April 22, 2014
By lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Let our bare feet dance upon the stars like we're truly "Dancing With the Stars."
Let the ten tips of our toes, tip toe across the darkness with no worry or no care.
Let us live young.
Let us live young and recklessly without caring about burning up in flames when we crash and burn into the smoldering sun.
Let our bright smiles be the only thing that illuminates the pavement road marked with yellow lines and screeching tire marks.
Let us laugh until our stomach caves in because it hurts from the laughter.
Let us laugh until the muscles in our face give way because of pure exhaustion.
Let us live life with no care about what tomorrow holds or what yesterday has.
Let us not remember yesterday's permanence.
Let us not remember the tears.
Let us live for the moment.
Let us live with our chins up towards the blue ocean like sky and our tear ducts dry.
Let us put aside our differences just so we can borrow each other's smiles.
Let us forget about our insecurities, our pain, our worry.
Let us live to laugh, live to smile, live to love.
Let us live life, neglecting worry and abandoning fright.
Let us live for this very second.
Let us live for now

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