The Game We Should Have Won | Teen Ink

The Game We Should Have Won

April 12, 2014
By supercodplayer1995 BRONZE, San Diego, California
supercodplayer1995 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can dream it, You can do it" Walt Disney

The freshman tournament against East Lake,
We fought, we shot and to our hearts’ content.
We ran until we had a bad backache,
I need to win so I can represent.

Coach roared and squawked like an unbalanced man.
Scott screamed, jake yelled, and paul made no jump shots.
Coach shrieked and shrilled as he spoke like Batman.
Uncontrollable fear became our thoughts.

We made a three point shot to tie the game.
They called time-out to plan and maybe pray,
In hopes of earning their best chance at fame.
To our great dismay, they made the winning play.

Tragically the tournament was all done.
So ended then the game we should have won.

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