My Favorite Color | Teen Ink

My Favorite Color

April 5, 2014
By BradleyBeer BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
BradleyBeer BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With padded steps you tread upon the sea,
And creep upon the ruined walls of old.
You graze the backside of the regal kea,
Stream off the quetzal’s figure manifold.

The passion of the last pharaoh of all;
Egyptian island gem of our white sun;
Long favored trinket of the Chinese hall;
Wards off infection, cramps, and evil one.

You represent sustainability,
Rejuvenation and Islamic bliss,
One’s writhing envy and fertility,
The wicked serpent’s charismatic hiss.

Collect me Eos, in your glowing arms!
Chione’s father sends me to your charms!

The author's comments:
This piece was originally written as part of an application for the University of Florida's Honors Program. I got accepted, and decided to share it here. I responded to a prompt to write a poem on my favorite color without actually naming the color.

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